Spelthorne Neighbourhood Watch


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Your story

Neighbourhood Watch is run entirely by volunteers for the community. By looking out for each other we hope to prevent crime. We are the eyes & ears of the police who find our support invaluable.

Group introduction

Neighbourhood Watch is non-political. We have about 300 co-ordinators who are responsible for their own roads. The police send information to the co-ordinators who disseminate it to their members. Information flows both ways. Neighbours are encouraged to communicate with each other & to look out for each other.

How would this funding have an impact on your community?

We receive no funding other than individual local donations. Our main item of expenditure is NW signs for areas with neighbourhood watches & NW stickers for individual members, plus leaflets with advice on crime prevention etc. plus the cost of maintaining the website & the hire of a hall for the AGM. £500 would ensure that we can continue to expand. We currently cover about one third of the borough, but our aim is to have a neighbourhood watch in every road.

""Neighbourhood Watch helps to prevent crime. With your support we can expand our network to ensure all members of our community feel they have a part to play ensuring they live in a safer neighbourhood.
Rowena Smith. Chairman."

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